• We Tobuhub Private Limited, is a company that works for a content marketing for other registered businesses, which involves the process of designing, video editing, advertisement on google, youtube, newspapers, hoardings, metro passes etc. We give our best to make other companies come up to the audience  where they can show their work, attract an attention of the audience, which can ultimately brings up their clients too, that gives a good impact for the companies to gain profit. Now days the most preferable era for advertisement is the newly developed digital world and people are confused how to advertise or gain audience attentions, at the beginning stage of companies directors, managers, staffs etc. are confused weather to opt for a working professional or go with freelancers who can do their daily or weekly tasks in designing, developing, or advertising, So  we Tobuhub Private Limited is there for you who will help you to tackle all the problems. We are a team of many members with different departments like designing, developing, advertising etc in one company, just give us the task and tobuhub team will do that for you professionally, which will reduce the time, money and labour cost of your company . As the compairison between the group of teams and a single working professional/freelancer gives a huge difference in the final result of advertisments, weather you go for facebook, insta, banner, canopy advertisements etc. in short – ( big team means vast design, development, advertisement  at low cost with multiple options 

– Our price range starts from 5 Lakhs per annum for social media work handling + 1 lakh additional if video editing work is required for your social media post like FB, Insta, etc.– Please note apart from this if commercial google adds, facebook adds, youtube adds etc. is required you have to bear the advertisement charges as applicable , above mentioned charges are only for graphic designs, video editing, web designs etc. and posting on social media like FB, Insta, etc. (annually) For more information regarding designing, advertisement or development please call us at  +91 9258640040 or email us on –


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